Healthcare in Africa is complex, fragmented & expensive
Our mission is to provide extraordinary care for millions of Africans, by making healthcare simpler, smarter and better

State of Healthcare Africa
Healthcare is in a state of emergency in Africa!
Lack of Access
- Hospitals and Clinics are inaccessible for many in Africa. Over 600 million Africans do not have access to modern health facilities.
- There are 3.8 medical doctors per 10,000 inhabitants in Nigeria, compared to 26 medical doctors in the USA
- Time required to see a doctor ranges from one hour to six hours
Lack of Affordability
- 97% of people in Nigeria and 90% of people in Africa are without Health Insurance / Plan
- Average cost of a doctor consultation is USD 10 compared to their monthly salary of USD 100 to 400
- More than 30% are frustrated to the payment process due to lack of price transparency
Lack of Quality
- The prevalence of self-reported medication errors was 47% in Nigeria. 35.5% had never reported medication error. 33.4% did not think reporting was necessary.
- Counterfeit drugs are a significant issue in African countries, which leads to complications and death
- 90% of Africans are not satisfied with the quality of healthcare they receive
About HubCare

Redefining Healthcare Experience in Africa !
HubCare harnesses mobile technology, and emotionally resonant extraordinary care to improve health outcomes and reduce costs for people with chronic diseases by providing access to high-quality, personalized, medical consultation, medication, and coaching.We are the bridge between the Nigerian populace and the extraordinary care they need regardless of their healthcare challenges. Our holistic chronic care model and end-to-end care system make the impact of our work visible in the day-to-day lives of our use
Our Services

A better healthcare is possible in Africa ?
Imagine a platform that gives access to high-quality medical care without spending a fortune, and without waiting for hours at the clinics or pharmacy. A platform that improves your quality of health, and well-being by promoting health and preventing diseases. Imagine if lack of access to high-quality medical care and health advice become a thing of the past in Africa. Imagine if you don’t have to sacrifice your quality of life because of medical expenses. HubCare is changing the narratives of healthcare experience in Africa
Our Social Impact

We have helped over 5,000 Africans to improve health and wellbeing through health consultation, education and medication.

We are providing decent work for people to achieve economic empowerment

We are using innovative collaboration to transform the health system for all stakeholders
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